On Wednesday we had a wonderful little meeting to discuss/demo the install of WPMU on a York server. We have lots of issues to sort through, of course, but I was quite pleased to see that the technical issues that had held up LDAP integration with WPMU and our Apache server were successfully resolved by Eric.
When we’re ready students will use the single sign-on they have for their York email, their CUNY Portal Account, their Blackboard account, etc. to create a blog/eportfolio. Not sure why, but I didn’t realize how elegant this would look in practice. Hit the login link, enter the username/pw, blog gets created.
By Thursday we had BuddyPress added to the mix, and I got a test account to play with. We don’t have an overarching “theme” for the WP/BP site, but that will come in time.
In under one minute I exported this test blog/eportfolio from the Academic Commons and imported it into my test account on the York install. I was a little surprised that the theme didn’t transfer, but that makes sense since all I grabbed was the XML file with the posts and comments.
Oh, here’s the link to the install: http://blogs.york.cuny.edu
Very, very impressive!
I’m not going anywhere.
I see the AC as THE HUB for cross-campus collaborations. I’m advocating that the CUNY WAC Coordinators’ form a WPMU blog/site as a clearinghouse for the myriad resources we have developed over a decade of WAC/WID. (Boone also saw this possibility, and we discussed it briefly at WordCampEd.) This is something the WAC Coordinators have wanted for sooooo long, and something that the AC makes so easy. Obviously a WAC Coordinators group is also important. I anticipate this will emerge over the next 2-6 months.
Just wanted to add that I hope we don’t lose you here, Michael. One of the things we’re going to be working on is making the Commons a virtual hub for all of the WordPress installations around CUNY. That way, our content here will consist not only of things produced on this site, but also of content produced at individual campuses. Thinking about the Commons as a central aggregation point for CUNY gets me really excited about the potential of the Commons to forge connections among our various campuses.
Luke stole my word! I might have to pull a Jim Groom and go with “sick.” Because it’s just sick that CUNY has another rocking WordPress install! Great work on the LDAP integration!!
Yes, I just logged in, changed my theme and created a few pages. It is cool!
Awesome. Congrats-
Thanks. This is really just the start, and in many ways the install is much easier than the implementation. Crawl, walk, run… This would not have been possible without the trailblazing at the Academic Commons, at Blogs@Baruch, and, of course, at eportfolios@Macaulay.
I’ve been following your blog, Michael. Here the temptation to make a comment is irresistible, even/especially if it only takes one word: Congratulations!